

  • A Family Broken

    "-Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes." Meanwhile, Molly sits at home with a newborn baby girl, agonizing over her brothers' fate. 2nd place honors in Hawkflight7's All Hallows' Eve Competition.

  • A Proposition of a Sinister Sort

    Snape visits Malfoy Manor, newly inherited by Lucius, only to receive a proposition to join him in his quest for glory following the Darkest wizard of the age. For the HPFC Marauders Era challenge.

  • Making New Memories

    Post-DH, Ron and Hermione are moving out together; Hermione finds a certain book while helping Ron pack up his room, and they decide to give Mrs. Weasley a parting gift as the last to leave the Burrow. For the Rival Ships challenge.

  • Unspoken

    Ginny reflects on Lily's impatience to attend Hogwarts during the epilogue of DH. A short drabble for the Taylor Swift challenge.

  • The Serpent and the Eagle

    Theodore Nott finds Padma Patil making snow angels on the lawn, and a rather interesting conversation unfolds. For the Winter Wonderland challenge. Rated K for mild language.

  • Traitors

    Bellatrix and Rabastan are caught in the Forbidden Forest after hours. for the Marauders Era challenge. Rated T for brief torture, just to be safe.

  • Teenage Dream

    Draco catches a glimpse of Tonks escorting Harry up to the castle and can't get her out of his mind. His imagination winds up spinning a rather vivid dream when he falls asleep... for the Can You Write a Romance? challenge. T for suggestive content.