
  • Wee Tail Therapy

    Mrs Bennett is having marital troubles, and she turns to Mr O'Neill for comfort. She is surprised to discover they have a common hobby. This was written for the Iron Chef 'Random Pairings 2014' challenge on the PPMB. I drew O'Neill and Bennett as my two characters.

  • The Great And The Good: Hemming's Way

    Prequel story to 'The Great And The Good'. Cassidy Hemming is a petite, bespectacled teenage girl who attends Fielding Preparatory Academy. While having a seemingly sweet nature, she had severe abandonment issues and occasionally lacks self control. This story tells how these issues developed, and details the early days of her infatuation with Tom Sloane.

  • Nobody's Home

    Trent returns to Casa Lane after Mystik Spiral finish up a month long Mid-Atlantic tour. However, he returns to find that Jane has left home and the house is a mess. But where has Jane gone, and why?

  • Out Of Style

    After hearing of some new students, Sandi and Stacy decide to see if they are Fashion Club material. They are greeted by a pair of fashionable sisters.

  • But We Broke Up That Week, My Darling

    I wrote this as a contribution to the PPMB thread 'IC: Mix them up. DariaXDaria Crossover'. While chatting in school to Daria, Jane discovers Tom has kissed someone else, someone she never expected.

  • Lawndale High Society

    Elsie Sloane has been expelled from Fielding. Her parents decide that, instead of enrolling her in another private school, they're going to send her to a public one - Lawndale High School.

  • Forbidden Fashion

    After a successful 'Fashion Don'ts' party, Stacy returns the clothes she wore to her girlfriend Jenny AKA Burnout.

  • God Save The Great And Good

    Tom Sloane and his best friend Ashley Winters go to The Zon. Things go very different to how Tom imagined when he sees a side to Ashley he never knew existed. A crossover of 'God Save the Esteem' and 'The Great And The Good'. Thanks to Charles RocketBoy for permission to use the 'God Save the Esteem' universe. Rated 'M' for strong language.

  • The Great And The Good: How To Change a Life

    Prequel story to 'The Great And The Good'. Ashley Winters is a student at Swedesville High School with a kooky sense of humour and a passion for sculpting. However, a sequence of events, both good and bad, lead to some major changes for him and his parents. Cover image is Ashley in Fielding uniform, drawn by BloodyWilliam: -

  • Pop Goes The Sloane

    Tom stumbles upon Daria's deepest, darkest secret. Shame he won't live to tell anyone about it. (This was written for the '1,001 Deaths of Tom Sloane - Part II) thread on the Paper Pusher Message Board)

  • In These Plagued Streets

    An off-fanon story based on my own Daria fanfic 'The Great And The Good'. Tom Sloane is murdered by a pair of fellow Fielding students, who fall in love with each other and make a plan to take out everyone else who has wronged them. Rated 'M' for strong language and depictions of violence.