

  • He's More Than That

    It was early morning and Yato was already awake, however Yukine was still asleep. Not to mention he had a visitor today. Based on Official Noragami Art

  • Aftermath

    After the purification ceremony has come to an end, Yukine still can't help but feel just a bit guilty for all of the things that have happened to both Hiyori and Yato, so he decides to go out and think about his wrong doings. And surely enough, Yato will be there to help him through it.

  • Frigid

    Late at night was usually the time when you want to sleep the days troubles away. But over at Pandora Academy, that didn't seem to be an option at the moment for one of the Boys Dorms. In the frigid night air, Oz waits around to be let back inside, chilled the bone. He finds warmth in his favorite sensei.

  • Eternal Radiance

    A friendship with someone is something that is sacred. So, when an attack happened in their village, Shark and Yuma did everything they could to save their home. But will they survive long enough to seek vengeance, or will they die along with everyone else? Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

  • Heartland Academy School Festival

    It's time for the Heartland Academy School Festival. All of the students are getting ready to entertain and attract new students to join their school. All seems to be normal but when Yuma is taken hold of by the female students of his class, he's dragged into something he never wanted to be apart of. This story is dedicated to CatNinja0122 and Bakurafangurl91

  • You Destroy Me

    Raindrops rolled down my hair and down my cheeks and neck. I watched you. Tears fell from eyes, mixing in with the rain. You unfaithful wimp. You destroy me. Dedicated to Bakurafangurl91 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  • Broken Eyes

    Gao has been in the hospital for as long as he could remember. He was born with a fairly new condition called Broken Eyes. It's when you're eyes cannot see anything. Just as blindness. Only his condition is only temporary. Gao has to meet his special person in order to be free of his darkness. But until that happens, he's stuck in the hospital room...waiting.

  • You Don't Have To Spend Christmas Alone

    It's almost Christmas and Tasuku has been working later and later hours. Takihara is worried that he'll overwork himself and tries to convince Tasuku just that in the best way he can.

  • Below Freezing

    Yuri is challenged by Murata to do the ice bucket challenge. Never to back down from a challenge, Yuri accepts the challenge, with a little help from Wolfram and Conrart.

  • Abduction

    After work, Natsu and Gray head off to bar with the others as the usual routine, however, when Gray leaves early and Natsu gets drunk, he's confronted by two hooded figures. When Natsu fails to come in the next morning, its up to Gray and the others figure out just what happened to their comrade. (crappy summary but whatever) This one shot is dedicated to CrossoverLover2013

  • Devotion

    Its day 2 of Kagehina week. I hope you all enjoy my contribution. I WENT KINGDOM AU. HOW CHEESY IS THAT? *-*

  • The Fire In Your Eyes

    ITS KAGEHINA WEEK. FINALLY. Here's my contribution to this wonderful week of ours that celebrates two of our favorite dorks. :D

  • Unforgettable

    Noboru just can't cope with the fact that he will never see Gao again, to the point where his mind is playing tricks on him, making him believe that Gao is still with him. But when Noboru realizes the truth, he breaks down and comes to a realization that just may help him pull himself together.

  • Broken Promise

    "I thought our friendship meant something to you. I thought we were gonna be the best of friends, that we were gonna stay that way for a long time." Gao took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair roughly, his tears flowing down his face once more, he didn't bother to stop them this time. "You lied."

  • Blood-Kept Secret

    Yato is suffering from the blight consuming his body. His body is in dire need of blood, but Yukine refuses to give him any of his. His head has been filled with lies and he believes that Yato does not need him, so he refuses to give him any of his blood. Will Yato set him straight? Will Yukine give his blood to his master? Who is filling his head with lies? AU fic. Vampires.