
  • Distance

    A tale of the distance between states. A tale of the distance between parents and their children. A tale of the distance between the real and the imaginary. A tale of the distance between stars. Written for the LabyFic livejournal community.

  • Hide-and-Seek

    An innocent game of hide-and-seek between Sarah and Toby takes an unusual turn when Sarah is presented with a strangely convenient hiding place. The Goblin King is, after all, nothing if not generous.

  • Ice and Claw

    It's winter, and a strange visitor knocks on the door of a house that's never visited with a very precise request - he would like to know the future of a certain Miss Sarah Williams. Written for the LabyFic livejournal community challenge.

  • The Gift

    Christmas: a time of excess; a time of gifts; a time of snow. This Christmas, Sarah finds herself presented with an unexpected gift in rather dire circumstances. Written for the monthly writing challenge at the LabyFic livejournal community.

  • The House On The Hill

    "He has tried to trap me three times – two attempts failed outright, and the success of the third is, at present, undetermined." Written for the latest LabyFic livejournal community challenge.

  • The High Ground

    Never judge a Black by it's cover...Spoilers for Deathly Hallows Andromeda POV