Chouette Blanche

  • Sunset on Shell Beach

    Victoire Weasley loves watching the sunset. It helps her clear her mind and escape her family. What will happen when her crush, Teddy Lupin, seeks her out? Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

  • Green robes

    After the fight with Ron at the Yule ball, Hermione goes to sit by the lake. In the freezing cold.

  • Corridor at Christmas

    Lily was walking down a corridor. That seemed ominous. It was less ominous that she was reading Pride and Prejudice. Barely anyone was still in the castle for Christmas this year.

  • Marauders' Notes

    Basically... the marauders pass notes in class.

  • What Happened Next

    Most of the Potter-Weasley children are now at Hogwarts and all have plenty of things going on in their lives, both individually and as a family.

  • Green Hair

    Just a little something that came to me one day. Connor and Travis Stoll prank Katie Gardner and Travis feels...bad? Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the olympians.