

  • Harry Potter and his snake

    just another plot bunny if you want another Harry x creature fic check out my other story Harry Potter and his Spinx.

  • harry potter and his sphinx

    this is just something i came up with as i often write out of the box regarding fanfiction.If you want to write a more flushed out story with this theme than i encourage you to do so i just ask that you send me a link as i have found no stories like this.

  • Harry potter:these hollow bones of mine

    Harry potter has always been a strange kid but what if he had gotten a chance at a true family. would he still want to save everyone or would he only protect those he cares about.

  • Harry potter and his wolf

    Harry potter is left in the local park after getting beaten by his cousin and gang; he wakes up to find a wolf keeping him warm. can these two unlikely friends help each other navigate the world?