
  • Mostly fine

    After the war, Luna and Neville start going out, but Luna never believed that their relationship would last forever. Why not take the chance the break-up offers, and give in to the restlessness she's been feeling for a while now?

  • Bottle lust, brew affection, even stopper love

    The Weasley twins learn that pissing off Hermione is not a good idea - their argument about love potions with the brunette reaches a new level when Hermione is not taken seriously at all. Who would have thought there was such a cruel side to her?

  • What Then Is Freedom?

    As unlikely a pair as they are, they somehow work - even on the days when work screws you over and a dragon manages to nearly knock you out.

  • Growing Up Is Optional

    Ten years after the war most people have managed to move on with their lives, but some have yet to decide what they want from the future. Hermione is happy with her life - she has an interesting job, is surrounded by friends and family, and there's no reason to change anything. At least that's what she thought until one tiny, little secret comes out, forcing her to make a choice.

  • A Taste of Paradise

    Testing new products for their shop is never completely safe, but neither Fred nor George expected this particular outcome. Even if they're able to fix their mistake, just what will the consequences be for turning Fred into the fruit he hates the most?

  • One Small Office

    Only Ginny knows that Hermione is in a relationship, and who she is in a relationship with. However, one drunken night changes that, and forces Hermione and Draco to decide where and when they should let everyone else know that they're a couple.

  • Black shall only be my soul

    The Black sisters are well-known in the Pureblood circles. When the first of them elopes, it comes as a shock. When the second one thinks death is too harsh a punishment, it is an even greater shock. And then the third one fails where she has never failed before.

  • A knight, a lady, and a squire

    It has been a surprisingly snowy winter, which leads to problems Teddy, Victoire, and James haven't anticipated when they decided to go on their quest. Then again, they are still young enough not to think of consequences anyway.

  • Not just a one-off

    George is struggling, and a nagging Hermione isn't helping matters. Only makes it worse, really, when he gets used to her. They're friends, nothing more than that. ***Story has some smut in the end.***Re-write of a one of my one-shots with the same title.***

  • Not just a one off

    The war changed George's life drastically, and he's struggling. He lives with his family again, but Harry and Hermione moved in as well. One night, Hermione and George find out they're more than just friends. Rated M for a reason. Smut