
  • White Blank Page

    Hermione is helping at a safe house for recovering young Death Eaters while Harry and Ron hunt horcruxes. But what happens when the two newest recruit's are Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini? Draco has been raised to hate people like her. Is she able to fix his way of thinking? Help him be a better person? Or will she fall too far and not be able to get back up? *Dramione / Rated M

  • Switched

    Rapunzel has hated living across the street from Jack for as long as she could remember, but something changes in their senior year. He has changed and when she discovers a horrible secret about her past, she finds comfort and companionship in the one person she never thought she would. *Deleted but reposted this story* Rated M Jackunzel/Merricup

  • The Other Side of You

    *Sequel to Fire Fountain Academy* Katara is now 17 with a two year old son living in a remote village. Her life is almost perfect, but when Zuko shows up on her porch after not seeing him for three years, she has to decide whether it's worth it to keep him in their lives while the biggest war the world has ever seen is about to start. Is Katara able to fall in love with Zuko again?

  • Perfect Chemistry

    He was her Professor and she was his student. He was forbidden and she was off-limits. She knew it was wrong. She knew she should have ended it from the beginning. She could get expelled, she could ruin her reputation. He could get fired, lose his career. But sometimes desire is just too strong and what happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors. *Rated M, AU, Jackunzel

  • Forbidden

    With a war about to start, Hermione is finding it hard to be herself and instead is always pessimistic. With Ron and Harry hunting down horcruxes, Hermione has no one she can really turn to and be herself with. When Fred keeps popping up into her life, she doesn't know whether him being a constant nuisance is a bad thing or she might be falling in love with him *Fremione / Rated M

  • Grey Waves

    Celestra is not only the adopted daughter of a professor, but also possesses a magic ability that comes around once in a generation. What happens when this home schooled student meets the Slytherin Prince and get's wrapped in a world full of seduction and danger? Will she be able to make the right decisions in the end? *OC *Rated M

  • Fire Fountain Academy

    Katara meets a black haired Prince at FFA and they fall in love with each other. When Katara starts to change, will she be able to know who she is in the end? Will she make the right choice for her and her baby when a war is about to happen? Does Zuko love her enough to make the right choices? "Katara... I love you." "I loved you... Once." ** Rated M and plenty of Zutara smut