
  • Riot

    Poor Tom has no idea what's going on, but at least now he knows he can rest easy tonight, thanks to Atticus. Based on the riot scene from the book, only with my own little twist featuring Tom Robinson himself.

  • Riddles in the Dark

    Just what is Gollum thinking when that strange hobbit comes along, intruding upon his peaceful home? Based on the very same chapter from the book, only with my own spin on it from none other than Gollum's point of view.

  • Words, Thoughts, Dreams

    A look into the processors of Cybertronians during their times of joy, need, sorrow, humor, horror, and more. A series of drabbles based on the popular 100 prompts/themes challenge. Last time: Rumble. * T for safety

  • Slag it

    It was requested for someone to make up a Cybertronian swear word. I did. And that's literally all this is... unless you guys want me to come up with a fic inspired by this. ;) *Inspired by alabaster demon from the TF bunny farm*

  • Icy Imprisonment

    Starscream's fate changed the day his partner crashed into the ice those many, many vorns ago... Skyfire's life took a drastic turn when he was uncovered after so long... Now, what if Skyfire wasn't the only one imprisoned in that icy tomb of his? After millions of vorns of restless sleep, they have finally been uncovered to find a universe far unlike anything they remember...