
  • The Silences Between

    FFVI, Edgar/Locke: A young king buries himself in his work. A chance meeting proves a much-needed distraction. A stranger becomes a companion. [Pre-canon]

  • Three Days Ashore

    FFV, Faris: Even when off-duty, young Faris practices to someday fill the boots of a captain. A short break from the sea brings about a great - if at times stressful - adventure with a group of friends ashore. [Pre-canon]

  • The Dialects of Breathing

    FFVI: Locke & Celes must address certain things within themselves on the road to Narshe before they can learn to communicate with each other.

  • Penumbra

    The Queen of Swords is dead. Long live the Queen. [Scene expansion of the epilogue. Ovelia/Agrias.]

  • The Tie That Binds

    It is a strange thing to face one's own grave.