Halia Stone

  • Dance With the Devil

    He was caught up in a deadly game with the world's most powerful supernatural being, Klaus Mikaelson, through events beyond his control; Damon wasn't sure if he was going to make it out alive. Hunter!Damon AU

  • I Dare You To Lose Control

    "There's something I need you to do for me." - The hooks are digging in too tight; the strings suffocating... powerless against the puppet master. [Warning: heavy elements of abuse/murder, gore and violence and graphic slash between two males - AU-ish setting for season 4 of the show]

  • Sink your teeth into my flesh

    It was always him, always. And he couldn't figure out why.

  • The Art of Bloodplay

    A bottle of blood can do wonders for a hybrid and his vampire pet.

  • Their Dark Hearts

    "Their hearts are blackened; shattered to pieces by the prospect of finding true love. The pieces are now frozen in their chests, strung together with decaying rope, haunted with the ghosts of the women who filled them with false hope and promises that they had no intentions of keeping." Rated M for gory elements.

  • Experimentations

    A movie night in which Skylar is brazenly curious, Sadie is found to be ticklish and both their parents are downstairs from them. Skylar/Sadie femslash, if you don't like, don't read.

  • A Night To Remember

    It was really, 'a night to remember'. Human AU Prom!verse. Rated M for suggested sexual situations