
  • Burdened With Glorious Possibilities: The FrostIron Collection

    A series of unrelated drabbles and one-shots and whatever else for a partnership between zombified419 and myself. Predominately FrostIron AKA slash. Rating may vary, but listed as M to be safe. Entertainment guaranteed so long as you don't hold me to it. Any short has the potential of becoming a chaptered fic.

  • The Iron Clause

    When Tony Stark has an unexpected collision while out on Christmas Eve he finds himself in a position he never expected to be in. Some in his life are disbelieving and question his sanity. Some accept it with little to no question...and some are DEFINITELY not pleased...Established FrostIron. The Santa Clause spin-off

  • Maleficent Shorts

    A collection of short little snippets based on 100 different prompts. Various pairings, universes, and possibilities. 3-5 sentences each. Ratings may vary, rated M to be safe. Predominately Diavicent. Will feature all characters at one point or another...probably...okay, maybe.

  • This, That, and the Other

    Something goes wrong when Tony and Loki try and incorporate magic into his suits. Suddenly...he's not quite where he should be. Clint-heavy in later chapters. FrostIron. Possible other pairings if wanted.

  • Fortuitous Revenge

    For Tony, it had started out as a way to get back at Clint for bringing his father up in front of Cap...he's not sure what made Loki agree to it. FrostIron.

  • Just a Touch

    Loki escaped at the end of the battle with the Chitauri, avoiding capture by simply disappearing. A week later, though, in the most unexpected of places, he has returned...and he intends to claim what is rightfully his, Tony Stark. FrostIron. Slash. Soulmate fic. There WILL be smut.

  • Going Under

    Loki hates the beach. He also hates Thor and his friends. Winding up on the beach surrounded by his least favorite people in the world pretty much guarantees that he's going to have a miserable day...until an unexpected lifeguard saves his life. FrostIron if you want it to be. AU 2 parts

  • Here I Lay

    Loki visits the place where he was once buried. Companion piece to zombified419's Last Kiss. FrostIron.

  • Speak to My Heart

    Every being in all of the Nine Realms had a soulmate...except Loki. He'd felt the surge of magic when a bond should have formed, but no words ever scrawled across his skin. He was a monster, unloved and unlovable. He was meant for no one and nothing...so why was this mortal claiming to be his? FROSTIRON soulmates AU

  • So Wrong, So Right

    After the eagles rescue the company from Azog on the mountain, Thorin realizes he has made several mistakes when it comes to Bilbo Baggins...and then he makes an even more startling discovery. Thilbo Bagginshield ThorinXBilbo Takes place during the first movie. Soulmates

  • Come On, Christmas

    Loki wasn't expecting to wake up the day after Thanksgiving to find that his lover had already left the Tower...and he really hadn't expected Clint to panic upon hearing that the god didn't know what Christmas was. What was the big deal about some Midgardian holiday? Sure, it might be Tony's favorite, but there was no need for all the drama. FrostIron. FLUFF!

  • Christmas Shoes

    A young Nick Fury is home for Christmas for the first time in a couple years. His mother insisted. While grabbing some last minute gifts he runs into a child with a the most extraordinary story...and a simple wish for a pair of shoes. Based on the song with the same title.

  • Blue Christmas

    It's Loki and Tony's first Christmas as a couple but considering Loki is still a supervillain and they can't tell anyone about their relationship they can't exactly spend it together. So now Tony is stuck with friends, more like family, and unable to get into the spirit of the holiday he loves. Luckily, he isn't the only one missing the company. FrostIron.

  • Something to Be Said

    In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Tony Stark's just slipped through his fingers. His soulmate had been in Tony's shop just the day before, but Tony had missed him. Between Clint and Loki, though, maybe Tony can find him again. FrostIron.

  • All Lives, All Hearts

    When Mycroft Holmes told his brother that sentiment was a defect found in the losing side, he was speaking from experience. He didn't want his brother to go through the same pain that Mycroft himself had gone through. No pairings. Character study.

  • The Trouble With Kidnappings

    Tony Stark has been aware of his feelings for Loki for quite a while. When the god kidnaps him, though, he just can't seem to keep his mouth shut. PreSlash. FrostIron.

  • Scopophiliac

    Tony Stark has been receiving regular visits from a mysterious someone. They never talk, and Tony never sees them, but that doesn't stop him from putting on a show. It works out well...because that's exactly what they want. FrostIron. Porn with the vague semblance of plot. Really just porn. Enjoy!

  • Say Your Prayers

    Loki left to return to Asgard years ago, leaving Tony with more than a few regrets. Now Tony is willing to one last thing to let the god how he really feels...and hopefully be heard. FrostIron! Kind of sad, but not really, but kinda.

  • As the Crow Flies

    No power in the world could destroy the curse Maleficent placed on Aurora...so she had to find another solution. Now, Diaval and the princess, with a bit of help, must fix the mess left behind. Diavicent. Philora. Diaval and Aurora friendship.

  • Then Maybe

    After a minor freak out in the gym, the team finds out some things about Tony's childhood that they'd never known before. Team-centric. FRIENDSHIP. No pairings. Feels all around. Discover some Avengers secrets you never knew, and some you never expected to get out. All secrets are CANON to the Marvel universe, though slightly smudged and the ways of exposing them are not.