Kalenath Shok-Tan

  • X-COM 2: Heroes

    Heroes are people who do heroic things. No more. No less. This does not automatically make them better or worse than anyone else. It makes them heroes. This is a fanfiction. I own no rights to anything X-Com. This follows on from my fanfiction 'Flight and will see many cross over characters from my other XCOM fanfictions.

  • Warframe: Loyalty

    Loyalty is an odd thing. So many claim to be loyal even as they betray. Screaming, yelling, ranting, all of that drives attention away from the simple fact that they are betraying something. True loyalty, however, cannot be bought. It cannot be forced. It must be earned. This is a fanfiction, I own no rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Knights

    In human history, elite warriors known as 'knights' in Europe were as varied as the beings they served. Some had codes to follow, others lived for slaughter or riches. One thing was always the same however. Cross them at your peril! This is a fanfiction, I own no rights to Warframe. There will be spoilers from The New War and other Warframe quests.

  • Star Trek Online: Family Honor

    Star Trek has always been about hope. Hope in the future, hope in whatever dreams you may have for good or ill. Hope for better things. It has always been a diverse world and one filled with stories. But what if... You don't fit? What if you can't? This is a fanfiction. I own no rights to anything Star Trek. There will be spoilers for the game and all things Star Trek.

  • Warhammer 40000: Losses

    In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. There is only suffering and death. Even those who work so hard to make something better must eventually accept that. This is a fanfiction. I own no rights to Warhammer 40000. This is based off the inquisitor Martyr video game, but with a lot of OCs and guest stars.

  • Warframe: Weapons

    Everyone knows what a weapon is. But the most powerful of weapons are not things you can see or touch. They come from within. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe

  • Warframe: Old Dreams

    Sleep. Perchance to dream. Memories rise and regrets sing. This is a fanfiction, I own none of the rights to Warframe

  • Warframe: Children

    This is a direct follow on to 'Weapons'. Since the Corpus do not clone, they need to expand the human race somehow. They do it the old fashioned way. This is a fanfiction, I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: The Road to Redemption

    How far would you go when you mess up? When all you DO is mess up? When every single time you try something, you mess it up? Tenno may have evolved from humans, but that does not make them perfect. Oh no... This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Instinct

    Sometimes, all you know is wrong. Sometimes, all you have is your gut feelings. Your 'instincts'. Sometimes those lead you well, sometimes they don't. Sometimes... people get the wrong ideas and bad things happen. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Syndication

    The Tenno are not alone in the Solar System. The Grineer, Corpus and Infested are their enemies. But there are others in the system, who even now fight to survive and thrive. Still... there are some people you do not anger. Ever. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Faith

    SEVERAL people have asked for something like this. But as always with my work... nothing is quite as it seems. This is set in the Warframe universe of my stories with some... additions. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe OR Warhammer 40000.

  • Warframe: Only Human

    Tenno are not the only ones in the Solar System. Some humans are evil, some are good. Most are somewhere in between. This is a fanfiction, I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: By the Sword

    This is a direct follow on to 'Schisms' and it is NOT for the squeamish. Parts will be confusing. Several points of view will be shown that will eventually collide. Parts will be horrifying. There are some evils that refuse to stay gone. But... there are those who refuse to let those evils run loose no matter the cost. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Schisms

    A schism is a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief. When those parties are Tenno? You might want to DUCK! This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Rite of Passage

    Broken, spindled, mutilated, torn down... Sometimes, to become what you must be, you have to go through fire and be reforged. But a broken spirit? What can fix that? This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe. (Warning: This one has foul language. But that will come to no one's surprise after they read the first chapter.)

  • Warframe: Enemies

    The Tenno have many enemies. Some are mindless, some are evil, some are cruel. Some are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the RIGHT place... This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.

  • Warframe: Healing

    Sometimes, when things get so bad that there seems to be no way out, you need help. Sometimes, you need more. You need healing. It is rarely fun, and rarely clean, but it can help. Eventually. Just... word of warning. Do NOT irritate a Healer. It will hurt. This is a direct follow on to 'Instinct'. This is a fanfiction. I own none of the rights to Warframe.