Omicron the IceQueen

  • Welcome to the Wasteland

    Vault tech was not the only company, others were scooting under their radar and not out for the blood of their clients as well as profit. Some of the decedents of one seed bunker are out and about with their Wasteland guardians. Looking for resources or, in this case, crops and other seed vaults. Please don't sass about the bow, those arrows are no joke.

  • Bara Magna: The Weapon Makers

    In the desert world of Bara life is hard yes, but also filled with hidden life. The old half buried ruins from the Shattering leave mysteries of the past to be discovered and, perhaps, reused. Those in the Bara sands are still struggling to survive and thrive, not just the fighters in the arenas but those that help keep the backbone strong. From healer to weapon maker, to..pirate?

  • Blood of Unicron

    There's many things Dark Energon with do, in raw or refined states. One of those things is attracting the attention of the Chaos Lord, even in his sleep. Sending one of his Knights to fetch what was stolen. Suddenly a very confusing day for Cliffjumper, the start of a headache for Megatron, a second chance for more then one... but slang, why is it so hard to find the stolen blood?

  • Atlantis

    Wheeljack stumbles onto slavers, who were holding hostage a fellow Autobot. He also finds a frigidity-winged, and wide, golden optic neutral stranded on the sandy, desert word. The Wrecker does the only thing he can think of and is to take them with him back to earth. Just to complicate things, Wing finds himself caring for the worn and struggling Autobots

  • Chaos Hunting

    There are a few more bonded human-symbiote pairs in the world than is realized. Not all of them wish to be known, and feared like Venom and Carnage, or as restless as Toxin. Content to live in harmony in the depths of jungles, in the background in the schools or small towns. Venom however wants at least one to build a colony, and the dark predator intends to take this new shiny...

  • Wreck an' Rule

    Its not an easy thing surviving or being hunted by mostly unknown enemies. Those first sudden attacks left the mechs scattered along with the remains of Nest, most humans killed it seems, their Prime missing, someone steps up- even if he's staggering and leaking internally. No Wrecker can stand running for long before turning to fight back. Unlike Autobots, Wreckers fight dirty...

  • From the Depths

    When the Autobots find a damaged mech locked in stasis, they of course try to help him. But what exactly did they get into with this aquatic mecha, and why are his systems so advanced?

  • A World You Never Knew

    The Level Workers, Wreckers: a little known faction that kept Cybertron from falling in on itself. Follow one Crew and their Foreman from before the war to the Exodus. Oh, and watch out for demolitions, and explosives, the races... and the Draggers.

  • Heroes of Spherus Magna

    With distress signals coming from a odd planet (one in the back water of the known galaxy), mechs are sent to investigate, and of course help. Only to be shot down by unknown forces, they must now work together with the natives, these Bionicle, to not only find out who baited them, but how to get back off the planet safely... and what's that in the shadow there?

  • A Family Christmas

    Or, An Odd Family. Done in the name of snuggles. Wheeljack has been hiding something, and is ready to tell Ratchet the surprise. Even if he has to do it from Sludge or Grimlock's shoulder, where he's out of reach.

  • A New Take To This

    Old story that was co-written with In The Light. This was- at the time a crossover with her Universals saga and my Kora saga. This focused more on Nati exploring the Bionicle world on Aqua Magna, and her interactions with the Matoran while the Universal's plot unfolded in this world.

  • Desert Titans

    Trade- A Toa of stone fines out its hard enough fighting one Rahkshi is hard enough, Add a second one that's a Rahkshi King... yeah, that's an interesting night.

  • Cubs on the Bed

    Co-authered with In The Light, and the story on HOLD until\if Light comes back. The Hordika are back...and in mini.