
  • Colourful

    A series of short stories written with no chronological time, consisting of the childrens whose life are filled with happiness, laughters, and smiles. Mostly Daisuke-Takeru-Hikari friendship, some Taichi-Sora-Yamato friendship, and also other character development.

  • Little Blue Love

    A collection of one-shot Veemon-centered stories. Warning : Shonen-Ai is acceptable here. Read to find out!

  • Unintentional Love

    Living his new life, Blackwargreymon has the determination to once again find what is his life means for ... And Flamedramon will be there with him, no matter what obstacles they will have to go through. Sucks at summary and title. Read to find out!

  • Blue Haze

    A Gabumon-centered fic, collection of short stories about his life with his friends. Full summary inside for each chapter.

  • Doppelganger

    A weird one is when you can see your other self without using mirror. And, having almost same two persons together will later become an unexpected moments. The no longer dark-side and the good-side one will make their own story.