
  • Forgotten Portrait

    Ib, a 22 year old who aspires to become a lawyer, has recently been plunged into an unexplainable depression that has significant ties to the painter Guertena and his most famous painting, 'The Forgotten Portrait'. She decides to visit the exhibit and that's where everything goes wrong. DISCLAIMER: Rated T for a reason. Be prepared for some mild to intense gore.

  • Blood

    Just my own personal explanation of what happened to Ben, and who the old man is (in relation to Ben). Enjoy ! If you have any questions, comments, requests, etc. Feel free to PM me or post a review on the story. Thank you all. NOTE: This story does contain mild to moderate level torture. ANOTHER NOTE: ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE RESPECTIVE ARTIST OF THIS COVER IMAGE.

  • Missing Portrait

    Mary is lost. Very, extremely, helplessly lost. Her painting has somehow ended up in the mysterious Witch's House, deep in the forest. Will she be able to get home? Does 'home' even exist anymore? Okay, I suck at summaries I know. Sequel to 'Forgotten Portrait' I really hope you all like it. DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS RATED T FOR A REASON. Be prepared for GORE, and lots of it !

  • Collision

    When Sherlock is injured in an almost fatal car crash, and loses most of his memories (including meeting John and getting to know him), John is faced with the difficult task of bringing London's most famous detective back. Anyways, I suck at summaries, so just try it out, okay? :) Rated T for possible Romantic scenes, and language. Enjoy :)

  • Broken Glass

    Rose Lightsgrand, a Candor-born 16 year old, is challenged with the difficult task of switching factions. As she continues through the rigorous initiation phase of Erudite, she begins to realize things that she shouldn't, and wonders what the secrets she learns will mean for her friends, family, and the future.

  • Until Morning

    When Lance and Anna go on a mission alone, feelings start to surface. New feelings... deep feelings. LanceXAnna, yet another Oneshot... this one got a little long tho XD

  • More than Teammates

    Natalie and Matt talk to each other for the first time in a month, but when Natalie asks a certain question, and the space between them gets a little small, Matt finally realizes that he's in love, that he has been for a while. (Sucky summary, I know :P) NatalieXMatt and LanceXAna