
  • Captive - Remastered

    When Mufasa, against all the odds, survives the fall during the stampede, Scar's final attempt to avoid exile and become King is to hold Simba as a hostage. This is a major re-write of my most popular story to date, and this remastered version promises to be longer, more detailed and more emotional than the original draft ever was.

  • Ascension

    A look at what happened before, during and after the stampede, all from Mufasa's perspective. One-shot. My entry for the My Lion King 23rd Writing contest (I won :D )

  • Through Heaven's Eyes

    A sacred ritual enables King Mufasa to see his newborn son's destiny. What will he learn when the almighty himself comes down from above to deliver the news? One shot

  • In the Name of the Father

    Spiritual successor to my story "Ascension", when the time comes for Simba to join the Great Kings of the Past, someone must come to lead him there. My Secret Santa gift for DGFone in the My Lion King Christmas exchange.

  • How the Mighty Fall

    Scar is still alive after Simba assumes his rightful throne. When the former is isolated to a tiny cave at the back of Pride Rock, the new King decides it is finally time to confront the source of all his problems and anxieties, face-to-face, and discovers that his Uncle's manipulation of him is still as potent and volatile as it always has been. One-shot.