
  • The Loner Boy

    Just something that came to mind. "He was the loner, the loser, the target. Easily, one can push him around and he won't complain; not one sound comes from his mouth, not one glare, not one response. It was as if he was a robot – void of emotion."

  • The Phantoms

    Alejandro can't just sleep tonight. He doesn't know why, but he has a bad feeling that when he falls asleep, something terrible would happen. After getting a strange phone call from his mom, he sets out to somewhere safe just to find his streets bloody and wondered by cloaked people! How strange could this get? Oc Philippines, oc LuzVisMinda, oc Brunei. AU.

  • Headphone Actor

    Chiara (Fem!Romano) is trying to enjoy her summer through reading, eating, and basking in front of the fan. But then what happens when one little announcement ruins her whole day and maybe her whole life? (Warning: Completely based on the song! Does not follow the manga, novel, or anime.)

  • That Day

    Kagepro high school zombie alternate universe (AU). Warning: Contains OOC-ness! It was sudden that it happened. Until that day, Seto never believed in the apocalypse. But now, his point of view was changed and now he has to strive to survive in this hell of a world. Note: This is just a practice in first person point of view so it might not be as good as my other stories.

  • Angelica

    Chiara's (Fem!Romano) car breaks down and she's forced to stay in a bread and breakfast. However, something is unsettling about the place. What awaits her inside?

  • Curse of a Nation

    Philippines. That's his name, that's his country. But is he really who they all say? Hetalia AU (by HC). Philippines and other OC belongs to HC. Inspired by an event on a page.

  • Hide And Seek Alone

    Rei invites Nagisa to his house for dinner, but ends up doing something crazy instead. . . And that is playing this game of "Hide and Seek Alone." Slightest hints of ReixNagisa. Got instructions from h t t p : / / t h e - g r u d g e - g i r l . t u m b l r . c o m

  • The Diary

    "Dear Diary, I've had enough. This is it. I will end my suffering today. For months, I have been enduring this pain. The pain of bullying." Len wrote his final words before his death. Rin finds it and mourns over not only the loss, but the fact that she didn't do anything to prevent her only brother from comitting suicide.

  • Demi-what?

    Contains slight OOC-ness. Haruhi's father approaches her during her club activities, acting strangely. But then things go wrong and she encounters a strange monster - a girl with fiery hair, a goat leg, and a bronze leg with claws that could slice her into bits. How will she cope with the changing world around her? (Takes place before the Lost Heroes Series)

  • Unholy

    From a young age, Oliver and Len hunted monsters. When they go to a so-called haunted house, they don't expect that a nasty surprise awaits for them - something that could cause quite a ruckus. (This is a three shot! :)

  • Alfred F Jones

    Chiara (Fem!Romano) always could see ghost. Ever since she was a little girl, all she wished was some peace. So, when she moved into America and ended up in a promising school, she thought that she can finally gain her long awaited peace. But that changes when she meets a talkative blonde ghost. / A short story made out of complete boredom, haha.

  • Absent

    Just a small drabble. Kaito is absent today. Meiko wonders why. She decides to find out for herself by visiting him. But is the news she hears what she wanted?

  • Vampire Academy

    Oliver never wanted to be a vampire, but it looks like fate doesn't spare even a little boy. Then he wakes up one day to find himself in a strange academy with a cranky blonde teen. And it looks like this certain teen - Len - isn't too fond of him. Can his life get any worse?

  • After Death

    Everyone has to die at some point. Len knows that, but he's reluctant to go. What awaits at the other side? That's why he always escapes death. But when Mayu, a Guardian of Death, gets tired of trying to peacefully bring peace to Len, she decides to force it.

  • Fairies, Mafia, and Secret Agents?

    Lovino never believed in fairies or dragons. Not until he got caught in a world full of it! Turns out the government has formed an organization filled with secret agents that keeps the law and peace intact between the Spirit Realm and Earth. How chaotic can it get?

  • Fateful Encounter

    Amelia stumbles upon a drunk (?) guy on the side of the café and decides to comfort him with hot chocolate and churros. But then what happens is that the drunkie was actually an angel, who was convinced on returning the favor by persuading her to believe in God? Nyo!America x OC! Philippines. Philippines OC belons to HC.

  • A Clingy Boy Sticking for 15 Years

    Yuuma writes a letter to you, filling you in one what has happened the past 15 years. ReaderxYuuma. I do not own Yuuma or Vocaloid or this plot at all, I was simply inspired by the song. Lyrics: /art/A-Clingy-Boy-Sticking-for-15-Years-Lyrics-267566446. Credit to Manbo-Dead-Behind-the-House-P for the song.