

  • In the kitchen found from the Instagram account scarypostss

    A young girl is playing in her bedroom when she hears her mother call to her from the kitchen, so she runs downstairs to meet her mother. As she is running through the hallway, the door to the cupboard under the stairs opens, and a hand reaches out and pulls her in. It's her mother. She whispers to her child, "don't go in the kitchen. I heard it too".

  • An adventure

    I sat there sipping my drink and eating my toast. The bread crumbled into my mouth and the butter melted on my tongue. Mum came in with the groceries, set them on the table. Then ran upstaris. I then put my cup in the dishwasher, grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. I hopped on my bike and sped along the pavement to school. I ran across the road... a CAR...

  • Wristbands 3

    Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in. The doctor said "that was the woman i just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn't you see the red wristband she was wearing?" The woman smiled and raised her arm "something like this?"

  • Wristbands

    When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolizes other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.

  • Wristbands 2

    There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button.

  • The social network

    My birthday! I wake up and rush downstairs. As I go in the kitchen mum, dad and Jason wait and a holding a little cupcake and I blow the tiny candle on top. Mum then hands me a large package. I open it. I finally have a phone and a laptop. I squeeze mum, then rush upstairs and go to my school website. I find someone and talk to them for hours and then they ask me "Let's meet up".