Toriya Izumi

  • One Year Separation

    [Post True End of Xillia 2] One year had passed since the event in Land of Canaan. It had been one year since Jude had met Milla and vice versa. This one year of separation had certainly brought difference for them as Milla felt that Jude had been slowly but steadily left her behind. Could a wish-making to the star helps them? [Tanabata Day Special]

  • I Have A Question English Translation

    One night Muzet and Milla overheard a small bit of conversation that the guys had. Because of Muzet's request, Milla asked what is the conversation that the guys had from Jude. What kind of answer Milla would get? And why Jude was reluctant on saying it in the first place? Why they even had the conversation in the first place?

  • It's Okay

    Leia always feels bad when she saw Jude and Milla together. She couldn't erase her feeling for Jude nor she wanted to say it. In the middle of her indecissiveness Alvin said that It is okay. One sided Jude/Leia, Implied Jude/Milla, Leia/Alvin

  • If Only

    "I'm going to get married" Chloe's announcement of her marriage had shaken Senel so much after he realized his feeling for the Lady Knight. Especially when Chloe requested him the hardest role he could imagine. In his regret, Senel seek the closure for his feeling and how would Chloe react? One sided SenelxChloe

  • Memories From Back Then

    [AU] Milla Maxwell, the heir of Maxwell corporation, who had used to go to female-only dormitory school now was presented the chance to go to public school. Now that she was presented the chance, she wanted to have normal lifestyle. What kind of life she would lead after she met Jude Mathis, the smartest guy in the school? May contain cursing, weirdos, and school life drama.

  • Xillia in Wonderland

    What would happen if Xillia's cast go to Wonderland? Weird event will happen I guess. But what kind of thing that could happen if Jude is the Alice that fall from the hole? And in girl clothes as well? That would be nightmare for Jude. Turning so small and so big, meeting weird cast in a weird world, and even in weirder get up, Jude started to hope it is all a nightmare.

  • Pure White Day

    Seperti 3 tahun yang lalu hari ini turun salju. Perasaanku padamu tak pernah berubah sedikitpun. Meski jarak memisahkan kita aku tetap mencintaimu. Event Minor Chara Paradise.

  • Because of You

    [From Xillia 2 Bad End] At that day, Milla lost her everything. She lost her comrades, she was betrayed, and she lost the most important thing in her life, Jude. As she drowns herself in grief, what path would she choose later? Was it of eternally deluding herself or was it of seeking revenge? Warning: Character Death, a lot of it and spoiler of the Xillia 2

  • And So We Meet Again

    It has been so long since she had seen Jude. She had lost count on how long time had passd for them even. Right now, she thought on the memory that they shared as she was reminded what is the shape of her love truly is.

  • Iroha Ni Ho He To

    Aku berjanji... aku berjanji aku pasti akan kembali padamu. Aku berjanji... aku berjanji aku akan terus menunggumu. Sebuah janji yang dibuat oleh dua orang. Bagaimanakah mereka akan menjaganya meski mengetahui bahwa jarak yang memisahkan mereka sangatlah jauh? IVO Fest Tribute

  • The Two Of Us -Rewrite-

    Pada malam bersalju ketika terakhir mereka bertemu, hubungan mereka terputus. Masing-masing berjalan di jalannya sendiri, meski tanpa melupakan satu sama lain. Tapi setelah bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu, apa yang terjadi jika mereka bertemu kembali? Apakah mereka akan kembali seperti dulu? Hm... sepertinya sulit. Rewrite dari cerita berjudul sama

  • Surprise Party For Jude

    Warning: I'm breaking 4th Wall, proceed on your own risk. Under the occasion from the result of the poll for Favorite Character Ranking in Tales of Festival 2014 at 31 May-1 June few days ago I made this story. It has a story (maybe?) but most of it are just for fun so I hope you have fun as well.

  • Jude's Friends

    It was just a passing thought and anyone thought always thought of it as normal. But one time, Ludger wondered why he was always addressed as Jude's Friend by the other member as they met for the first time. Random fic is random. Rina Aria