
  • Call My Name

    An alternate take on what might have happened in Trio (in a world where Kurt and Blaine never reunited)

  • Drunk on a Plane

    After being left at the altar, Blaine decides to use the Honeymoon tickets himself. AU where Sam never moved to Lima and he and Blaine meet later in life.

  • Birthday present, tied up in a bow

    Prompt: Smut where some hot boy is wearing pretty panties

  • Blam ficlets

    my short Blam fics...maybe some day to be longer. Some of these are just snippets of WIPS!

  • Mahealahey ficlets

    Collection of Mahealahey ficlets

  • Blam Day Fic

    Prompt by lauraperfectinsanity! Season 2 AU (no Klaine and no Fabrevans). Blaine and Sam are together since the previous year, when Sam was at Dalton too, but no one at McKinley knows. Kurt has a huge crush on Blaine and one day he goes to his room to ask him out, only to find Blaine and Sam together. Jealous!Kurt ahoy.

  • Broken Together

    Prompt by lauraperfectinsanity! Season 2 AU (disregarding Dalton, cause Blaine is attending a public school where he gets beat up, no Fabrevans and no Klaine, of course!). Sam ends up in the hospital after his fight with Karofsky, where he's in the same room with a kid who was beaten after a Sadie Hawkins Dance. The two boys bond and fall in love.

  • Jackson Whittemore, pissed off matchmaker

    Isaac and Jackson bump into each other in Europe and improbably bond. When they return to Beacon Hills, Jackson plays matchmaker.

  • Werewolves, huh?

    Prompt: Isaac/Danny smut

  • The Darkness Hides Stolen Moments

    Something fun inspired by promo shots of Danny and Isaac with blacklight paint on their faces.

  • My Choice

    Prompt: Harry/Hermione, Hermione does choose Harry

  • Christmas Surprise

    Entry 32 in my LJ holiday drabble challenge