

  • Learning Natasha (Again)

    There are certain things about Natasha that are true. In order to fit in with her new team, she just needs to learn a few more of those truths.

  • Is that the name you're meant to have?

    Loki had blurred the lines of who Natasha was to herself, and she had resented him for it.

  • On the Care and Feeding of Avengers

    "You are aware," Tony pointed out in his typical intrusive fashion, "that there is a perfectly functional kitchen on each of your own floors."

  • Cobalt

    Catching Cobalt is an operation that requires long-term planning and a delicate touch. The Secretary chooses every agent involved very, very carefully—including Will Brandt.

  • Dressing Down

    Clint actually preferred a stakeout at 100 degrees (plus) in the middle of the desert to 'poolsides' and Natasha in stiletto heels. (This despite the fact that she knew he very much appreciated seeing her all dressed up.) Natasha did not.

  • Small Packages: Prompted Ficlets

    Unrelated drabbles and ficlets for MCU/Avengers, canonical couples and mostly Clint/Natasha.

  • To Fall Asleep and Wake 3: Do Solemnly Swear

    He would never be separated from her in death, no matter what Loki thought. Clint hadn't told the demigod everything because Loki hadn't asked for an interpretation when Clint said simply, "Kill her and you kill me too." It was a real, physical fact between them, but it was more than that and always had been. Follows 'Til Death Do Us Part

  • 919: Everything is Blood

    Nikolai Romanoff wasn't the only Red Room agent in the Atrax program. When his old rival is reactivated, Colleen "Hawkeye" Barton gets caught in the crossfire—and Nikolai doesn't like that.

  • To Cage a Spider

    They haven't really exchanged names. He's Hawkeye and making a name for himself as a vigilante stopping robberies and underground lowlifes. She is… without a name. Nothing feels right to give him because whatever this is when they brush into each other, it's genuine, and nothing about Natasha or Natalia or the Black Widow is genuine.

  • 5 Reasons Natasha Knew Something Was Very Wrong with Clint

    Clint should have known Natasha wouldn't just drop the matter, and maybe he had known but had hoped he'd manage to get out of giving her a straight answer anyway.

  • All the Eye Sees

    "Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" She looks at him. She thinks of electricity and machines, blood and memory. She thinks of magic and monsters, cold blue light and desire. "You know that I do."

  • To Fall Asleep and Wake 1: In Sickness and In Health

    Natasha's genetic enhancements were failing her, and there was only one thing that had changed, only one thing different. Clint had to swallow down his fear that this was all his fault. Prequel to 'Til Death Do Us Part

  • All the Words Big Enough

    Strike Team Delta is split up with Agent Barton going undercover in Nairobi and Agent Romanoff partnering up with Steve Rogers. A series of messages ensue to pass the time, and then HYDRA happens.

  • Where, Oh Where Has My Flatiron Gone?

    Jean's flatiron is missing. She's pretty sure she knows exactly why.

  • The Language She Knew

    Natasha does not like this English. She could not make it do what her tongue wanted, to tell Clint in words somehow what he was to her, but there were no words in any language but the language she knew, the language of hands and eyes and fist and wrist and steady breaths and strength at her back.

  • Private Relations

    Public relations for mutants has been... iffy at best, but it all begins in private. X-Men First Class, the aftermath of Alcatraz, then after the Battle of New York.

  • Accidents Happen

    Marie would have to do something about that innocent southern girl look she wore. So she did. A brief ficlet treat for I Need My Fics

  • Don't Let Go

    Michael Britten weighs the cost of his relationships and regroups for another day.

  • The First Law of Thermodynamics

    He had done the math. A brief ficlet of Fitz's thoughts in the finale.

  • Knight in Rusted Armor

    Averil Lester had always been his. She'd been his since they were children barely out of the nursery and Maurice wasn't going to let that go just because a jellyfish duke decided to come along and steal her heart. Fanfic of "Averil's Atonement."