

  • From Eyes of Blue

    Zyll was frightened, not of her gift but of the vision it brought her. Fanfic for A Swiftly Tilting Planet/The Horn of Joy

  • Have Her Cake and Eat It Too

    Averil bakes a cake—with mixed results. Fanfic of "Averil's Atonement."

  • Something Left

    They think he has nothing left to lose. A brief ficlet

  • Thin Walls of Stone

    Nicky was responsible for Jason's mental and emotional well-being. The fault lines weren't showing, and she understood it: it was sane, but it wasn't healthy. There was only so long it could last before he broke.

  • 919: Perfection

    As long as she had known him, he'd been vicious and fearless. Perfect. Winter Soldier/Black Widow genderswap in lithiumaddict's 919 universe.

  • Shall We Dance?

    Three safehouses. Clint Barton saved her life once. Betrayed by the Red Room, Natasha decides to look for him—in her own way.

  • To Fall Asleep and Wake 2: Til Death Do Us Part

    Clint and Natasha worked as if they were two halves of one whole well before he was bleeding out and she saved him, before she truly put the Winter Soldier behind her.

  • Tingo (Pascuense)

    After the fall of SHIELD, Clint didn't want to move in to the Avengers Tower. Natasha thought it only practical.