
  • Skip The Shark, Please!

    Fish are evil. Sharks, even more so. A strange life-saving encounter and a throat lozenge offered at exactly the right moment. Funny coincidence, that. This has been written in answer to a Daily Word Prompt Challenge on Poirot Café's forum. Drabble ahead!

  • Doomed To Fish

    "We're lost, aren't we." It was said matter-of-fact, a certainty in his eyes. Those two never could announce their arrival in Tôkyô, could they? Oh, well, it certainly never stopped them from coming... This has been written in answer to a Daily Word Prompt Challenge on Poirot Café's forum. Drabble ahead!

  • Classroom Ponderings

    Hakuba had a lot to think about. This has been written in answer to a Daily Word Prompt Challenge on Poirot Café's forum. Introspective drabble ahead!

  • Soccer On A Saturday

    The Detective Boys go and play soccer. On a Saturday morning. That is about all there is to it, except for... well, Conan isn't that happy to have been woken up to play with the junior detectives, of all things... This has been written in answer to a Daily Challenge on Poirot Café's forum. Drabble ahead!

  • To Meet On Silent Footfalls

    This is before Shinichi's time as a renown detective: a time where Shinichi wasn't such a good detective yet and didn't know everything. One night, during a retrieval and arrest operation of the police, he meets somebody... This has emerged due to a Writing Challenge on the poirotcafeproboards forum! Thanks for the idea! The topic? A late-night heist, and two old rivals meeting...

  • Best Mummy Ever

    Or: Can I Have Some Cake, Please? Well, who hasn't ever played with toilet paper when they were young? Young Kaito wants to find the perfect Halloween costume to wear for going trick or treating and finds trouble along the way... I do know that Halloween is, oh, five months away, but this plot bunny wanted to be written and published NOW. Who am I to disagree? ; ) Oneshot.