
  • Ghostly Mermaids (episode 1)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters have a run-in with mythical creatures; mermaids. (rewritten and improved).

  • Gorgons (episode 3)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters encounter a battle with the Gorgons who have a hate for men

  • Encantado (episode 6)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters investigate a Brazilian lake ghost

  • Soucouyant (episode 5)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters challenge Soucouyant.

  • Ghostbusters III - part 1

    My own take on Ghostbusters 3, few parts are based on rumors I've heard about the 3rd movie, but it's generally my own writing

  • Call of the Wolves (episode 4)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters fight with Werewolves

  • Lightning Demons (episode 2)

    The Extreme Ghostbusters take on lightning demons, but Kylie gets caught up in the mess. (Rewritten - now in story format)