
  • Night fury

    When a new monster huntress is found wounded by a more experienced hunter, both start a journey to find the monster responsible for this.But an ancient creature awaits them. They will find many hardships as they are tested to face their greatest fear: the Unknown. First fanfiction on the site and english isn t my first language. Reviews are appreciated. Alternate universe

  • Grey Souls

    The demon slayer has made a decision that will chance the lives of many others. Meanwhile a second source of demons has appeared and the only way to destroy it is to travel through the sixth archstone,the Land of the Giants. Reviews are appreciated.

  • Knock Knock-Searching for the Truth

    When a lodger finds himself haunted by beings he can t explain, he starts questioning if what he sees is real. Science and logic are his dogmas but can they give him answers about what is happening? Why is this happening? What they want from him? Who is knocking the door?(Read my profile for information about new chapters)

  • Darklurker

    In the Old Chasm of Old stands a very old being and even though "its" name is long forgotten "its" power still affects the world. This is the final day of the Darklurker, an angel of fire and dark that has found its way to one of the darkest places in the world. Oneshot.

  • Dark Souls 2-Emerald Herald

    Poem about Emerald Herald, her "duty" as the undead s guide and how I felt with such character when I got my first estus flask