Akuma no Uta

  • It's okay to be afraid, my little fighter

    He was whimpering in a corner, practically hyperventilating, changing his position all the time and having no idea how to place himself since his right arm was covered in blood. WARNINGS: Probably bad English, OOCness, illegal amount of fluff, flashbacks filled with blood. Kinda like a sister fic to Claustrophobic.

  • Claustrophobic

    An elevator. Not a big deal, right? It takes you up, it takes you down. That's it. Until it gets stuck... Okay, my first fanfic. Review are very much appreciated . Warnings: probably bad English, swearing. Rated T because of the language. A lot of OOCness in the second chapter. Two-shot.

  • Saddest people smile the brightest

    Because this happens once in a while, and this is always how it ends. Pure angst and I made Kai kind of an asshole.

  • The Warmest Touch

    It's a regular Saturday when Miwa is heading to Card Capital as he gets a call from Misaki. Basically just a ridiculous piece of KaiMiwa fluff. Can be seen as romance of friendship; I ship them so for me it's romance but you don't have to see it that way.

  • The Night of the Loss

    Everyone is crying, save for the select few, and he won't be going to the Koushien with Ryou-san. The night after the loss is hard for everyone. I'm kinda really sorry for this, I really am.

  • Recovering

    Gareki is left badly injured in a fight. When he's finally allowed to return to the second ship, Hirato orders Yogi to look after him. Probably OOC-ness, bad/colorless English, fluffiness, I described Gareki's arm pretty well after the Varuga destroyed it.

  • Of best friends and boyfriends

    "Rin lets out a muffled sound that sounds suspiciously much like a certain swimmer's name. Then he chokes out a hoarse sob and his whole body jerks with it. Sousuke straightens his back at the first sound and suddenly his eyes are much more alert." Basically just a lot of fluff and heavily implied SouMako despite the fact that this is a RinHaru fic.

  • Shut up

    Happy birthday Kai! So I just wanted to write something happier for a change and this happened. Because this idea totally has not been used million times before.

  • First fight

    Their first fight ended with the other getting a panic attack and the other simply panicking, but they're okay, they're together and they love each other.

  • I don't need your help

    An angsty SouMako-ish thing based on the end of episode 9 of Eternal Cryfest. I got the prompt from soumako-central on Tumblr.

  • Tan lines

    Takeshi doesn't understand what his teammates see in tan lines; Hayato won't tan and Hayato's skin is perfect just like that. Hayato laughs at Takeshi's tan lines, but he loves them anyway. The story is a lot better than the summary, just give it a shot! Warnings inside.

  • Happy birthday I love you

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIWA! (April 1st) Oh the poor birthday boy is sick! Who will be there for him? Warnings: Probably bad English, some OOC-ness, mild language (I was too lazy to count how many times I used the word "hell"). The usual disclaimer.

  • His smile

    His smile. That smile which melts away everything bad in this world; and they are not alone anymore. A very short fic just because I needed to. WARNINGS: Fluffity-fluff-fluff ahead! And this is the first time I've written anything like this so please be gentle...