
  • A First Date

    [LJ Oneshot] 'Lily.' I turned around almost too eagerly to see him grin at me for the millionth time that afternoon. 'Happy Valentine’s Day.'

  • A Little Dare

    [LJ Oneshot Rewritten] Eventually though, in the middle of our perfectly acceptable conversation, James abruptly said two very frightening words. 'Kiss me.'

  • Dinner Guests

    [Complete][LJ] Who knew that, out of all the people in the world, Mrs. Evans had to make friends with Mrs. Potter at the grocery store and invite the family to dinner? Obviously someone that wasn't a friend of Lily Evans, that's for sure.

  • The Magnificence of Rain

    [LJ Oneshot] Lily is watching the rain outside, and is lost in thought until a certain James Potter shatters her concentration. R&R?

  • Dear Prongs

    James Potter is forced to run an advice column for Gryffindor House by his fellow Marauders. Recently edited & will be updated shortly. R&R?

  • Won't Say I'm in Love

    [LJ Oneshot Song Fic] Lily and Alice argue back and forth about the age old question: is Lily really in love with James Potter or not? R&R!

  • Maybe, Maybe Not

    [LJ Oneshot] James and Lily nitpick at any fault the other makes the mistake of exposing. Of course, a bit of a disaster is expected. R&R?

  • Dinner Guests 2

    [Complete][LJ] A sequel to my other story, Dinner Guests. Read that one first. In this one, Lily must return the favor and go to James Potter's house for dinner. R&R?

  • Ten Best Kisses

    Oneshot. James Potter reminisces about the ten best kisses he has ever received. R&R?

  • Love

    LJ. "It’s just a word. Only a four letter one, at that. Yet, this simplistic word holds such an enormous connotation, it’s remarkable how many ways it can possibly be used. Maybe this is why it can be so bloody tiresome for someone like me."

  • Midnight

    LJ. Just a little bit of useless, kind of mature fluff - there's no really no description for it besides that. R&R?

  • A Moment

    LJ. "It was fleeting. Somewhere during the transition between seconds. It was the shortest amount of time in the universe – too short to be named – but she knew it had been there and made enough difference enough to transform her little world entirely."

  • Some Kind of Fairytale

    LJ. So I know this boy. James Potter is his name. He’s not a particularly good-looking guy – not to me, anyway. He’s good at throwing gigantic red Quaffles into fifty-foot hoops, sure, but what use is that in the real world? Some “fairytale” this is. R&R?

  • 10 Things I Hate About You

    LJ. Lily compiles a list of the ten things she hates most about James Potter. R&R?

  • Make It Count

    LJ. “Prolong every single movement; like you’ve learned to do with so much else, make every second count.” T, just to be safe. R&R?

  • Staring

    LJ. "It all starts with the staring. Every bit of it – the good and the bad – starts with the staring; the surveillance, the attention, the intensity of each glance, no matter how brief it is." R&R?

  • Stupidities of Man

    SBOC, LJ, as told by OC. Fourth year for Ainsley Catherwood and Lily Evans means homework, gossip, dances, boys, introspection, sarcasm, and this year, maybe the possibility of love on the horizon. M for language, full summary inside. R&R?

  • Remembrance

    LJ. Fourshot. Deals with four seasons worth of learning to live on one's own in the middle of a war the year after Lily graduates Hogwarts, beginning with autumn.

  • Sight and Insight

    LJ. "I look at her once. She's looking the other way. I look at her twice. Nope, still not looking. People say I should stop. I disagree. I look at her three times. I think she sees me." Originally "Crazy People." R&R?

  • You Love Him

    LJ. "He was only a boy, a boy who was trying to love a girl, when that girl was trying to love everyone else." Two-shot. R&R?