Jay Navi

  • Jealous Eyes

    Gon is spending more time with Alluka than he is Killua. Killua thinks this is because Gon is falling in love with Alluka. Is this true? Or do they have ulterior motives for spending so much time together? This story was started in 2014, but revived in 2018. Rated "T 'plus'" for now. Offensive themes: Underage drinking, mild shota themes, strong language.

  • The Young Vampire Lord and His Prince

    Original story, partly inspired by Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate. A young vampire's parents were taken from him so he seeks revenge on the man's line. However, his revenge changes when he realizes something. Rate M for graphic shota scenarios. (Also, just because the categories are "Horror/Romance" and it involves a vampire and a human, don't think it's anything like Twilight.)

  • Just a Hike in the Mountains

    On a regular hike in the mountains, Killua's world changes. Note: Takes place about a month after the end of the Election Arc so there will be spoilers for anime-only viewers.

  • My Kiss Did That?

    Days before the Invasion, Gon does something that makes Killua wonder about his feelings. (Warnings: Minor shota themes)