Shades of Ink

  • The Month Before

    A shamefully short little melancholy vignette about Remus Lupin’s first kiss. Could be sad, could be happy. You decide.

  • Hold II

    An accompaniment to a previous fic, somewhat to describe the title. A poem depicting the overall confusion, consumption, and loss of Ginny Weasley's thoughts as Master Riddle begins to take control.

  • The Parting of the Ways

    Currently undergoing massive construction... and several nose jobs. (joke)

  • Hold

    Ginevra Molly Weasley and her buried love for a complete stranger, and hatred for the voice that seemed to dominate her mind. Mid-CoS. Three shot. (I just had to use her full name for once)

  • Harry Potter and the Saucy Lobster

    Harry is very very prone to complaining about his miserable life until his magical fairy godfather saves him from the deadly jaws of starving, crazed rodents. After that... there really is no plot, is there?

  • Given Breath

    Harry sighed shakily, his voice trembling with cynicism. “This breath… was his…” Remus tries to comfort Harry after the death of Sirius. One-shot.

  • His Demon

    The passing of the full moon brings a new revelation - but not to who you think. Sorry, I couldn't help but get a little dark. I mean... this is about guilt and inner beasts and all that, you know. One-shot.

  • Before the Dark

    Your mother...' Professor Lupin sighed, walking to the other side of the bridge. 'Yes, I knew her.' ...A story of a hopeless love, inspired by the suggestively reminiscent PoA film scene. Three-shot.

  • Release

    I can't stand writing free-verse, but I figured Tom Riddle was worth the change.

  • Forfeiture

    After twelve years of paying for another's betrayal, Sirius Black finds a reason to break from his numbing state of mind. One shot, most likely. (Pre-PoA)

  • In a Caged World

    The thought flew through me, an uplifting rush, a small flutter of memory, and I found myself on the extremity of knowing, of remembering, of feeling…" Life and memory drastically affected by the war from a patient's obscured point of view. One shot.

  • Years

    ...I waited for the world to shift, but when nothing happened, I supposed lives changed slowly..." A certain Evans girl deals with the birth of her sister. One shot.

  • Light for a Darkened Soul

    Remus John Lupin after years of solitude, torture, and anguish. A poem. (and a happy one, finally!)

  • By the Fate of the Moon

    Remus forgets the day of the full moon at someone's expense. Includes why Peter betrayed everyone, why Snape betrayed evil, and step by step the war and it's affect on the Marauders. It's also partly a sequel to "Like an Open Window". Completed as of 327

  • The incrediblystupid sequel that serves no purpose

    The title says it all. With Voldemort poked to death, and yet not exactly dead (?)... prepare for the inevitable when the Dark Lord POKES BACK! Then what, you ask? I don't know! I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, you dunderheads!

  • God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriff

    Remember Sirius singing in OotP? Well, I got bored in class, and my friends and I sort of wrote the song he might have been singing. Really only a joke between the three of us, but I thought I'd post it anyway.

  • Like an Open Window

    Really old and badly written story about a Seer, a family she denies, and another family she wants more than ever to remember. A tad bit Mary-Sue-ish, but hey, like I said, it's old. It now has a sequelprequel which is actually not half bad.

  • The Marauder's Map! and how it defeated Voldie

    Odd little story in which Harry speaks to his long dead father, who in turn goes berserck in finding that he has a son. And Voldemort is poked to death. Need I say more? A little old, but hey.