Yuki Seki

  • Season's End

    Future Revised #3. It's the end of summer, high school exams are looming but the 10th Gen Vongola is juggling studying with preparations for Vongola Nono's imminent arrival. Haru is learning to navigate Mafia politics and manage an intelligence network. When a death threat is leveled at the 9th, the others suspect the Trabuchet, but Haru has a feeling it's something else. COMPLETE!

  • It's not a Love Confession

    #2 in a series of 8086 drabbles/short fics at key points in the year between Haru Miura and the 10th Gen Rain Guardian. (#1 is "Goldfish") It's Valentine's Day and Yamamoto Takeshi finds Haru standing outside of his dad's restaurant. ONE SHOT

  • The Oncoming Storm

    This is the sequel to "Haru's Resolve". Their third year of junior high school has kicked off and Haru starts stepping up into her position as a full-fledged member of the Vongola Famiglia while trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy for her father and Kyoko. This coming school year is going to be a wild ride. Rated T for language and violence. COMPLETE!

  • Marks

    T for language & suggestiveness. It's the first night Ren and Kyoko are picking up the mantle of the Heel siblings in Guam and Cain is entirely willing to order room service and just stay in and enjoy his sister's company for the quiet evening after her long absence. Setsuka notices the scent of a hamster on Cain's clothing and is displeased. Shenanigans ensue. (post ch. 213ish)

  • Goldfish

    Haru decided to attend the festival with her friends, but she can't quite take watching Kyoko and Tsuna be all lovey-dovey and slips away from the group. The Rain Guardian is the first to notice and goes to find her. What follows is a night of fluff, HUGE teddy bears, and goldfish. The first of what promises to be a series of 8086 shorts. ONE SHOT!