Shanghai's and Lullabies

  • Perceiving Divergence

    Every kid in Death City undergoes basic textbook schooling until 16yrs, when they select the class they'd like to enter at the DWMA- miester or not- based on their aptitude. Your class reinforces how you learn, what sort of missions you go on & what city job's you're most suitable for. Although, some miesters are more special than others. But it's best they don't know that. Right?

  • I'll Take Ten

    Completed One-Shot. I think of it more as an Orphan Black AU than a crossover but here you go: A short story in which Cosima is The Doctor and virtually everyone is gender-flipped. (Starts out on Bad Wolf Bay) NOTE: whatever Ten/Rose had Cosima does not feel that way about her companion. Also Sorry if it comes off like a crack-fic, it's just a quick thing I did for fun.