Blue-eyes Lily

  • The Helix

    The Helix was always Jerome's greatest hill to climb; his blessing and burden simultaneously. Rated T merely for safety reasons.

  • Whores go Where Lions Reside

    Tyrion meets a woman at the marketplace, and finally receives the answer to the question he has long since asked himself, "Where do whores go?"

  • A Very Different Man

    When Professor X sends Wolverine back to 1973, he warns Logan that he was a very different man. But even Logan could not guess just how different Charles Xavier was. Based on X-men DoFP trailers alone, so only partially canon with the film.

  • The Little Things

    It was the little things Erik Lehnsherr loved about Charles Xavier. It was also the little things that made him leave.

  • The Unravelled Past

    Their future unwound, their past unravelled, their time brief but shared. Rated K for now, but we'll see how it continues... rating could go up.