
  • Silver Blue

    Irina Hawke is Carver's younger sister. Her fear of magic is almost as strong as Fenris's hatred of it. Their differences are just an illusion, but their loneliness is genuine. Whether the obstacles to overcome are real or imaginary is something that they have to discover on their own... Though perhaps "together" is the key.

  • Little Earthquakes

    Someone catches Anders's eye as he spends some time living with the tranquil at Kinloch Hold. Written for the awesome karebear.

  • Eclipse

    James Vega's last shore leave gives him the chance to engage in conversation -and perhaps a little more- with Miranda Lawson. One-shot written for my lovely friend Circe80. Characters belong to BioWare.

  • Nibbles of Thedas - The iPod Shuffle Challenge (February 2014)

    Challenge from the Dragon Age Fanfiction Writers group. These are ten brief stories set in the world of Thedas. The challenge consists of setting our iPods on shuffle mode and making a list of the first 10 songs that come up so as to write a short story ( 1,000 words) for each of those. Assorted characters, mostly canon. This is my first attempt, yay!

  • Shards of Her

    What do you do when your world is broken? The life of Rav'elle Lavellan, shattered and put back together. (Experimental. Possible spoilers, since this is the recount of a playthrough. Every chapter is named after the OST and told from a different character's perspective. No two chapters have the same narrator.) 34 chapters.

  • Echoes of Silver Blue

    The lost chapters of the story of Irina Hawke and Fenris, as well as that of their companions and family. Written for the wonderful reviewers of Silver Blue.

  • Between

    Cole's thoughts as the Inquisitor and the party deal with a rift in the Western Approach. Written for my dear friend EilonwyCousland QueenofTragedy. Cole-centered, featuring glimpses of the Inquisitor, Varric, and Solas.