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  • Time's Mistakes

    Sequel to "As Much As You May Hate Me". The characters musings about life after the end of the other story. Then hopefully will start to delve into Merthur. Some Gwen bashing. Sorry. Romance will probably be far off as well. Most likely.

  • Resilience

    AU Where Sam and John have a strong sense of faith and avoid demon possessions that way. Dean is ashamed to tell them he can't believe as strongly as they do, leaving him open for possessions. He has been lucky however. Until one day a demon takes control momentarily, when he is then saved by an angel named Castiel.

  • Silence

    Oliver thinking about Connor right before and after he heard the recording. Coliver.

  • Saving You

    He continued on, as if he hadn't heard him. "I don't want you to ever feel that way again. I will save you this time." Possibly could be interpreted as destiel. Sort of. Does not end well.