
  • the world looks different today

    It's Aaron's 30th birthday and Ella reflects on how a decade has changed the world and strengthened her marriage. Mature content.

  • Sneaking Glances and Fleeting Touches

    When you're two teenage Vikings trying to make a relationship in the midst of feuding tribes, troublemaking dragons and gossiping villagers, it can be hard. When is there ANY time for dating, or making out or- well, ANYTHING. Hiccup and Astrid have to make do with sneaking glances and fleeting touches. Series of one-shots.

  • Monster Inside

    After the death of her beloved husband, Helen Robinson is falling to pieces and spinning apart. She has three starving kids to feed, and a crippling grief to nurture. Written for a year 10 English assignment.

  • An Ideal Ending for a Deranged Fangirl

    Basically, at the end of Clockwork Princess, I noticed a few loose ends that I felt had to be tied up, plus I was disappointed a tiny bit that CC didn't conclude the story in a manner similar to this. Jem and Tessa's REAL happy ending. Take it or leave it. Hope you enjoy!

  • Everyone Needs Someone to Wipe Away the Tears

    After 25 years of marriage, Percy is becoming impossible for Annabeth to manage. He is restless, and even more reckless than usual. He's completed all the great deeds of the Ancient Greek heroes and more, but it has never been enough. It's always been his belief that he must save the world, but Annabeth is convinced that her husband is the one who needs saving before its too late.

  • Start of Something Beautiful

    AU Makorra. Korra's nervous. She finally got asked out by the guy of her dreams but somehow, she manages to ruin everything by sheer bad luck and a tad of clumsiness! Can they salvage the night before everything that could have been is lost? *some swearing*

  • The Grim Side of a Smile

    "She attempted a small smile, and in return, he attempted one as well. To an outsider, it was two people trying to make an impossible situation less impossible which was, to say the least, impossible. When would they stop kidding themselves? When would they admit that they were not, in fact, smiling at each other, but grimacing like the other was their arch- enemy?" Set during S3.

  • Thief From Heaven

    The Queen of Heaven/ Of that unreachable place above/ She stole my worth, my life and my love. She reached out her arm, merciless and long/ Stole him from me/ And no matter what I was portrayed to be, cold and ruthless and strong/ I still felt what I felt, what anyone would feel-Misery that struck me like a gong." Short freelance poetry. Can you guess whose POV it's in?

  • Attack of the Tissues

    "It was an unbelievably hot day at Camp Half- Blood, and everyone was either dead to the world snoring in their cabins with the AC on high, or on one of the teams having a water fight in the pool. That is, everyone but Travis and Connor Stoll." The Stoll brothers figure it's way too hot NOT to pull a prank. Something silly written for my sister who gave me the prompt 'tissue'.

  • The Limitations of Freedom

    "Kronos breathed deeply, relishing in the freedom that Luke Castellan's body gave him. But human form had its limitations." Kronos is fond for his pet mortal, but despises the way human mortality hinders his power. As Luke's ardent memories of the Daughter of Zeus begin to influence Kronos' power, for a single, spectacular moment, the all- powerful Titan of Time is vulnerable.

  • Home is Where The Hearth Is

    "Hestia huddles closer to her hearth, desperate for warmth to chase away the biting cold. Eventually, she will fade. The mortals no longer care about their homes, their families." A sad tribute to the goddess of the hearth who struggles to survive in this cold Age of Technology.

  • Amber Eyes

    Jealousy. It's an awful thing. You thought he loved you. You thought wrong. Because the whole time, he had eyes only for HER. How could someone ever compete with the Avatar? The answer: you just don't. Set in book 2.

  • Dear Jack

    It's 1914, and the bombs of WW1 shake the Earth. Jack and Rose, childhood lovers, are torn apart by the compulsory conscription law. How will their love manage to stay alive in a world that's being blown apart? How many "I'm sorry" "I miss you so much" "I'm scared" letters will get lost in the trenches before they begin to lose each other?

  • Bad Karma

    Nancy Bobofit is 21, single, and working as a McDonalds janitor. Percy Jackson is 21, has an awesome girlfriend, and has saved the world multiple times. What happens when the two meet again? *tiny bit of swearing*

  • Chills

    "She was tired. Thoughts of her deceased husband could only drive the demons away for so long." Katara is old and tired and misses Aang. What will the new Avatar be like? Short and simple because it's my first ATLA fic. Enjoy xx