
  • Ragdoll

    Au where Ja'far serves under Kouen instead of Sinbad. Unlike Sinbad, Kouen treats Ja'far like a toy instead of an actual person. Ja'far often wonders if it'd be better to thrust himself off a tall building. That is until a purple haired idiot comes to visit the Kou Empire. (Kouen X Ja'far and Sinja later on)

  • My Dear Ja'far

    Short drabble about Sinbad appreciating Ja'far

  • I Want To Hold You Forever

    All Ja'far ever wanted out of life was to be at Sinbad's side, though everything.

  • Freckled Lover

    Several short fluffy drabbles of Sinbad and Ja'far.

  • Unknowing love

    Perhaps it was Sinbad's fault or maybe it was Ja'far for not telling the man no. Somewhere along the line Sinbad started to have feelings for his younger companion. It's a question though if the sixteen year old Ja'far is too young to handle all that Sinbad has to give. /Smut alert/

  • Little Flower Girl

    Modern!Au. After entering a small flower shop Judal found that his entire world started to turn faster than ever. Everything changed too fast for him to stop what was going on and now he's got an annoying short girl clinging to his side. But when things suddenly change and she's not there anymore everything changes