

  • The Next Gen Scrapbook

    Conversations are keys to moments. Moments are best shared with friends and family. Little snippets of conversations between the Next Generation kids. Scorose, JamesxAlice, and LilyxLysander.

  • talk me down

    Astoria Greengrass hates Draco Malfoy with every fiber of her being, and her feelings are very much reciprocated by the Slytherin. It took a Yule Ball for Draco to realize maybe he didn't loathe her as much as he claimed to.

  • Hogwarts - Year One

    The Maruaders' first year at Hogwarts was amazingly hilariously amazing! James chasing Lily, Sirius hexing Snivellus, Remus trying to start sane, and Peter missaying spells and charms. Yes, the first year at Hogwarts is always interesting.

  • When Pigs Fly

    Lily says she'll go out with James when pigs fly. So when she turns around, she sees more than a hundred pink pigs flying with wings...

  • Hermione the Bookworm

    It's the Golden Trio plus Neville's seventh year at Hogwarts. But they get sent to a Muggle heritage because they're in danger. Hermione tells it all in her diary. Hinny, Romione, Nuna, and Drastoria. FEATURES: THE BIG 7!

  • Hogwarts - Year One

    Yes. They all died. We know the end. But do we know their Hogwarts years? No. The Marauders, Frank, Marlene, Lily, Mary, and Alice's first year at Hogwarts.

  • Firework

    Sirius remembers the firework Marlene that Bellatrix killed. Implied Blackinnon.