
  • Tough Love

    (2012 Turtles) Donnie has created a liquid that can help the brothers transform in and out of their mutation at will. Now, their going to school. Once there, Raph meets an outcasted girl, with no friends, and barely any family. Will the toughest turtle in the group finally fall for the unlikeliest girl? And will this attract the unwanted attention of the Shredder? We shall see!

  • Frosted Pages

    ROTG AU: When Hermione goes to visit her aunt and cousins over the summer after first year, she meets Jack Overland. The two slowly become best friends, and when she reaches fifth year, their friendship grows into something more. But with the war, and a broken friendship with Harry and Ron, what will happen with the two? Full summary inside. Human!Jack; Jack/Hermione

  • The Ice Princess

    A short story to go along with Strangers Like Me and Two Worlds, One Family. This is the untold story of Emma Kathrine Frost. Why was she in the woods when Jack found her? Why is she so scared of Bunny and the Guardians? This is her point of view for everything that has happened to her, from when she meets her new parents, to when she is kidnapped by the Guardians.

  • How To Watch a Movie

    What happens when Hiccup, Astrid, the village of Berk, and the dragons appear in a large room with a screen on the wall? The stranger who brought them there says that they are going to watch a movie, and Hiccup knows it's about him and Toothless. How will the village react? This is after Hiccup and Astrid's ride, and right after Astrid kisses Hiccup on the cheek. Hicstrid

  • A Whole New World

    When Merida learns that she has to marry. as in, and ARRANGED, marriage, she fights with her mother and runs away. She runs until she reaches the shore of her kingdom, she suddenly trips and falls, hitting her head on a rock and drifting into the ocean. She awakes to see a boy dragon staring down at her. He shows her things she's never seen before. Will she ever go back home?

  • Shattered

    Persephone Jackson left Camp Half-Blood after her heart was broken by the boy she loved. She goes to stay with her cousin, Sam Uley, in Forks, and there she meets the pack, and Jacob Black. After what happened in New York, can a broken girl's shattered heart be mended? Fem!Percy/Jacob. Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • Two Worlds, One Family

    RE-WRITE- Sequel to Strangers Like Me: It has been ten years since the Guardians were defeated. The Ice Family is finally happy and safe. Meanwhile, the Ex-Guardians are plotting revenge on the happy family. What happens when these two groups, the Burgess kids, and two special guests get called to a large room to watch not one, but TWO movies? Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • Witch Queen

    Lucy is sent by Aslan to look after Hogwarts. She is sent away from her siblings, and her country. She has to deal with wizarding tournaments, and with a certain blonde-haired prat named Malfoy. On the way, Lucy befriends the Golden Trio, and she learns more about magic. After Prince Caspian, and at the start of Harry Potter Series. Mainly during Goblet of Fire. Rated T for caution

  • The Half-Bloods and the Prince

    Zuko is resting when he is transported to cave, and he is found by a boy with sea-green eyes. The boy leads Zuko to his camp, where he meets three others. Will Zuko turn from his ways of chasing Aang? Will he find someone to replace Mai? This is two years after Zuko's banishment.

  • TMNT Twisted

    Veronica and Chris Brown are two siblings who are avid TMNT fans. One day, the two are sucked into a glowing portal, and find themselves in none other than the TMNT world! Together, the siblings face Foot, Kraang, and other nasties alongside the Turtles. Dedicated to my big brother, and my best friend. Rated T for paranoia. No selected pairings yet.

  • Fire and Ice

    Two siblings, one water-bender, and one firebender, are separate when they are children. The brother ends up in the Southern Water Tribe, while the sister ends up becoming the personal servant of General Iroh. When the Avatar is found, will this bring the two siblings together again? Or will they stay separate forever? T, because I'm paranoid. Possible Zuko/OC in later chapters.

  • The Truth

    Harry and Nessarose Potter are completely content with their fifth year. That is, until everyone's favorite pink witch finds seven books about the Potter Twins. Now, the students and staff of Hogwarts are going to read the stories, along with other special guests. Summary sucks, I know, but the story's better, I promise!

  • Memories of Frost

    Jack Frost, the Guardians, and the kids, past and present, of Burgess are summoned to a mysterious room to watch Rise of the Guardians. How will Jack's friends and family cope with the story, and will Bunny survive being in the same room as Jack? Find out here!

  • Greeks, Romans, and Gods read Last Olympian

    Basically the title. Takes place after Percy falls from the glacier. Romans, and Greeks alike are sent to Mount Olympus to read Last Olympian, along with some ghosts from the Underworld. Chaos will ensue, hilarity, or course, and much Percabeth.

  • The Proposal

    Three years after the Great Battle, Percy, Lucy, Carter, and Hermione are happy. The Blessed Betrayers are whole once again, and nothing could be better than their lives together. Percy, however, is ready to propose to Lucy. Will she accept? Will she not? And what will Percy do when he finds out that Caspian made a move on his girl? One-shot, possibly more chapters to come.

  • Forever and Always

    Just a bunch of one-shots about book couples, like Percabeth and Caleo (LOTS OF CALEO!)

  • Blessed Betrayers

    Percy Jackson, Lucy Pevinsee, Carter Kane, and Hermione Granger have been accused of treachery in their worlds. The few people who still love and trust them take them to a place where they will be protected: Avengers Tower. They find family and love there. But what happens when the villains from their worlds band together? PJO, Narnia, HP, KC, Avengers. Enjoy! Hope you like it!

  • Strangers Like Me

    Elsa went on a vacation to relax. Little did she know who she would meet! Jack Frost has been outcast from the guardians and finds solace in an ice palace on a mountain. When the two meet, what will happen? after the "Great Thaw" and ROTG. Jack/Elsa.