
  • Nappies on the Ceiling

    Remus and Sirius raise Harry AU, in which Remus is tired of always being the one with nappy changing duty.

  • Fresh Start Fever

    No matter how they prepped their Winter Soldier, or how often they wiped his mind, there was one memory that they were never be able to take from him: the image of sky-blue eyes beneath golden hair, and a bright smile that only ever belonged to his dreams. [Slash, CTAWS spoilers.]

  • Of Cathedral Style Radios and Quilt Cocoons

    Idiots who thought themselves brave men might have looked at the two ex-soldiers sitting on the floor wrapped in a blue comforter, pressed so close to each other that it seemed as if two heads were sprouting from one body, and their first words might have been the beginning of a jab at their masculinity. Sam Wilson was no idiot. [Post CATWS. PTSD, panic attacks, and spoilers.]

  • Enter the Hulk

    The Winter Soldier is cornered by the Avengers, he's got Steve at gunpoint, and Steve refuses to fight. Nothing Steve says will convince him to surrender. He wants Steve dead. It's about this time that Banner grows annoyed, and the Hulk intervenes with a tried and true technique, learned from the Black Widow herself. [CATWS spoilers. Fix-it fic.]