

  • Sickness And Love

    They both agreed to never speak of that night ever again, she could live with that, and she did, for weeks she walked past him at work pretending they were no more than work colleagues, well, until she found out she was pregnant because of that night.

  • Don't Leave Me

    Cal is attacked hours after an argument with Ethan. Will this make the brothers realise how much they need eachother? Now taking prompts for Ethan&Caleb :)

  • Big Brother

    PROMPT: Ziggy is viciously attacked, nearly dies, and it deeply affects his character and his confidence and the brothers try to ease him back to his usual ways and get their brother back again. Going to carry this into a multichapter story. Why was freddie so worried? Who do you think ziggys attacker was? Still taking prompts for the Roscoes and the Bartons (emmerdale)

  • Brotherly Bonding

    The Barton brothers get along, sometimes. Someone prompted asking for a fic where all 4 of the brothers bond, I don't know if this is what you were thinking of, sorry!

  • Like father like son

    James and Ross have a a long overdue heart to heart ACCEPTING PROMPTS FOR THE BARTON BROTHERS

  • Crash

    I don't know if anyone reads hollyoaks fanfiction anymore, but if you do :-) / Robbie picks a drunk Freddie up from a party and things take a turn for the worst.

  • Fall down

    When the woolpack collapses, who will get out alive?

  • Lindsey In Labour

    Prompt: Lysney goes in to labour, with her friend Mereceds by her side, and Lysney asks her to ring Joe, but both Roscoe brothers (Joe and Freddie) turn up at the hospital, demanding to know the truth. After a painful labour, Lysney gives birth, to a boy and Joe's the dad. Send in your prompts :)