
  • A God's Worst Fear

    I assume you know something about either the PJO, HoO, or KC series. If you don't then please stop, this book just isn't right for you. No, seriously, just stop. Anyway... Everything you think you know about any of these series is wrong. Some of the characters and even some of the names are correct, but not much more. So sit back and let me show you what really happened.

  • The Seven Deadly Witchers

    On a planet far away from Earth, a greater threat lingers. Not only are innocent lives at risk, but an entire galaxy could be annihilated. The Seven Deadly Witchers' lack of desire for redemption and their willingness to go the extra mile is what makes them so dangerous, so fearful, so deadly. They're the only thing standing in between peace and an entire galaxy cast in shadows.