
  • Revolutionized

    America tries to reconnect with England. Canada picks a bad time to change things. Independence is so complicated... Rated T because of language and drunkenness. (Tried to find the source for the picture, I don't own it, sorry, if you know who owns it tell me and I'll credit them...)

  • Coffeehousing

    McPriceley. Silly little drabble involving a ridiculously competitive Kevin. Kinda inapro-pro, hence the T.

  • Safe

    One-sided McPriceley. Middle school sleepover sort of thing. Pretty harmless, pretty fluffy.

  • English as a Second Language

    Highschool AU. Junior Lovino Vargas signed up to be a mentor to a new student to have something else to put on college apps. He thought it would be easy. But he wasn't planning on getting stuck with an overly happy Spaniard who speaks limited English. Lame summary.

  • Trouble with Tents

    Kevin and Arnold are Boy Scouts, on a camping trip that doesn't quite go as planned. Some sort of Boy Scout/middle school AU I can't get out of my head

  • Curiosity

    On a quiet day in the unused music room, what else is there to do but cause trouble?

  • Crush

    Just a little drabble I wrote, some sort of highschool AU I guess. One-sided Rod/Nicky (isn't it all...). Rated K because like nothing even happens. It's just cute and a little sad.

  • Boredom

    Lovino is very, very bored. Written when I was very, very bored. T just to be on the safe side, a little bit of language. Spamano if you squint. Just a drabble.