

  • this was her purpose

    im not very good at summaries without giving it all away so this wont be very detaild. it is janny centered but with mentions of other charactars. the situation with janny is the same where jac does see emma. please read and review it is very much appreciated haha. i hope you like it!

  • survive now so we can live later

    i am sooooooooooooo sorry i havn't updated in ages. this is set 6 years on from emmas diagnosis. this is also where my initial idea for the story starts to appear. please read and review to help me improve this and to know what to keep the same and just your general thoughts. they bring a smile to my face, which i really could do with right now. thanky you and i hope you like it xx

  • it was just the heat of the moment

    an alternative ending to the argument Jac and Jonny had outside theatre. i am not too sure if i have posted this up but before or not, i dont think i have please read and review to tell me your thoughts

  • lift babies

    sorry my other fics and this title have totally faild but this should be better because i have it all written up. things at work start to get worse and worse fo jac first with an old flame turning up then getting stuck in the lift with them and ... don't want to give too much away. please read and review otherwise i'll just stop writing it because you abviosly arnt enjoying it.

  • i told you so

    just a random and frankly a bit wierd idea i had hope you like it. (this should be the proper one for those who have read the previose one).