
  • Comfort

    Sentinel and Overseer are in need of some physical comfort. NSFW.

  • Am I Perfect Yet?

    My name is Hermione Granger, and I strive to be perfect. I must be perfect. It's not an option. It's a requirement. It's expected of me. Am I perfect yet? Self harm, bulimia, suicide, character death, etc. Different characters each chapter.

  • The Designer and the Designed

    Brennivin and Stein. Yep. Rated M for a reason.

  • Power-Lust

    Sentinel visits Edmund to satisfy their mutual draw towards power. Rated M for a reason.

  • Memories To Last A Lifetime

    Our hands fumble and slip as they glide over one another, trying to imprint every bump and curve into memory. It's going to have to last a lifetime. SBRB Incest Could probably be a T, but rated for safety. COMPLETE

  • One Last Letter

    Lily Evans is about to become Lily Potter. She write one final letter to James as Lily Evans. COMPLETE

  • What Really Happened

    What really happened the night Voldemort came after Harry? Read to find out what I think may have happened. COMPLETE

  • Dementus Flora

    Lily Potter has a strange addiction. What is it, and what are the effects? COMPLETE

  • Work For It

    The trio has split up since they left Hogwarts. Hermione works as a professor, and now Ron is, too! When Hermione's feelings become too much, what happens next? Yes, I stink at summaries. COMPLETE