
  • Had to Fall

    Sidney's night with Gloria. Excerpt: At this moment, his mind is caught in a miasma of sexual frustration and the overconsumption of alcohol. And he has a feeling that one of those things is going to be resolved sooner than the other.

  • These Two Things

    Missing scene from "The Status Quo Combustion." Sheldon calls Amy from the train station. He wants her to understand two things.

  • Everything

    Will thinks finds being around Marcus's dad trying. Excerpt: "He looked at Will with such longing in his eye, and it called back to mind something Fiona had said the day before. About how she and Hugh's on-again-off-again relationship had been confusing for Marcus."

  • Home Game

    Will takes Marcus to a baseball game and runs into an old friend. Apparently, he has some 'splaining to do.

  • Stuck

    After Janine insists, Sherlock FINALLY comes over to her flat for a date. However, when someone calls from his homeless network to meet him with a "delivery," leaving is harder than it should be...

  • These Last Few Weeks

    So, um, how did Sherlock and Janine get together? This is the story of how they first reconnected, how they became a couple, and what happened in that bath. Missing scenes between Episode 3.2 ("The Sign of Three") and 3.3 ("His Last Vow").