Mari Grem

  • The Astronomy Tower

    What they have is perfect, and maybe that’s why it will never be enough.

  • Times of Innocence and Beauty

    This isn't a fairy tale by any means, though there's love and lost and betrayal. This is a story of innocence of beauty. This is a story of how they were won, and how they were lost.

  • White Lily

    Lily Evans lost her virginity to Sirius Black. And neither of them has regretted it since.

  • 2 AM

    The things he’s been through scar his heart and his regrets weigh inside of him like a thousand stone, crushing his chest until it’s hard for him to breathe. But I’m the only one that can take his breath away.

  • Just Enough

    And it wasn't just and it wasn't enough but it was something LilyLucius friendship

  • Terrified

    She isn't perfect, and it scares him.

  • Sensory Details

    He can feel her, and maybe that's all that matters. DracoPansy Post war

  • He Hates Her

    He hates her, and everything about her, but he needs her, so he stays. HarryGinny Postwar

  • Substance

    It was because they had nothing that they could hold on to everything. LilyLucius firendship? oneshot

  • Make Me Smile

    And she was so beautiful, without either of them, but he wanted to be the one to make her smile. He didn't know he already was.

  • Ginevra Weasley and the Battle of Love

    They say love can conquer all, maybe that's why Ginny was still holding on to Harry and the Trio with such a force. Maybe that was why she was trying so hard to help them win this war. Follow Ginny from the summer before her sixth year, all the way up to

  • Painful Memories

    SiriusRemus. Remus refuses to remember Sirius refuses to forget. A one shot about Sirius and Remus' lives after Sirius is thrown into Azkaban and before they are reunited.

  • Broken Valentine

    Remujs used to hate Valentines Day. And then he lived for it. Now he can't stand it. And it's all your fault. SiriusRemus and RemusTonks

  • The Makings of Destiny

    [complete] “So then you believe in destiny?” James asked. I was quite taken aback by this question. “Yes,” I replied, “And fate and love and soul mates.”... he was my soul mate and I knew it. LilyJames seventh year MWPP fic

  • Lighting the Fire

    Regulus and Sirius talk as Sirius gets ready to leave his family, for good.

  • Fault

    It was all His fault. It was all her fault. Bellatrix and Sirius blame each other for all the hardship in their lives. Warning, mild blackcest. BellatrixSirius

  • The Tower Window

    So then that's it, isn't it? I'm all alone now? I suppose Madame. A nice little fic about Pansy, and Dobby, and Harry. Includes implausible love and suicide. Bittersweet.

  • A Black Love

    The two most inrtiguing members of the Black Family have fallen in love. But is it really love? And if so, why won't they admit to it? Dark, Angsty, but has it's moments Oneshot BellaSirius

  • Pain Love and Betrayal

    The Marauders always intrigued me. Ever wonder how close they really were? Ever wonder why Peter changed? These oneshots will show you. Warning Slash Complete

  • Memories

    It's been 15 years, and still they can not forget the blood that was spilt during the Final Battle.