
  • A Meeting of Equal Halves

    A series of one-shots detailing the life of Hermione and Fleur, who live with Harry and Luna at Grimmauld Place in London. The stories are posted out of chronological order. They are glimpses into the two women's post-War lives, detailing their families, friends, dreams, hopes, and work.

  • A Kiss And Some Poetry

    Arizona is a teenage pickpocket. Callie is her target. ONESHOT

  • Worth

    How I'd like to see the "Karev considers private practice" storyline handled.

  • An Incommunicable Experience

    We have shared the incommunicable experience of war... Harry and Luna talk, post-DH, EWE.

  • Monuments

    How Wizarding Britain marked the Second Voldemort War.

  • Luna Remembers

    After the War, Luna reflects on the changes to her life and those around her. Written pre-DH, so therefore AU now.