
  • Forever and Beyond

    Set after B has been arrested, L visits the jail many times. Before the story he had stopped visiting, but now he's back, and he's beginning to feel things he can't explain. WORK IN PROGRESS. LXBB. GOING AS I WRITE NO PLANNING. NO PROMISES UPDATES WILL BE FAST. I HAVE A LIFE (year right) ALSO I LIKE TO WAIT FOR REVIEW FAVS ETC BEFORE UPDATES. KEEP THAT IN MIND!

  • The letters they will never send

    Did you ever wonder what the children from Wammys keep in their rooms? Well here are some of there personal letters they've hidden. Multi-shipping. (Even ones I disagree with) not all written by me if someone else writes one I will put their name at the bottom. PM me if you'd like a letter you want here