

  • Jamila and the cripple

    Forget him getting turned into a beast - people today would just think it was cool - let's make him quadriplegic. Forget having invisible servants - no one has servants anymore - let's have his buddies, who are just as bad as him, get cursed too. How much can I change and keep the magic of the original? I don't know, but I'll have fun finding out! (cross-posted on archiveofourown)

  • That insubordinate subordinate

    Just some collections of five times something happens and one time it doesn't. All about the bromance between Jane and Abbott. Disclaimer: I do not own the Mentalist.

  • Reflections

    Set during 6x22. A fairly standard story - the trick is figuring out at what point in the episode this segment takes place. I do not own The Mentalist.

  • True love

    Little snapshots of Jane and Lisbon's new relationship.

  • Smiles and glares

    How Lisbon and Jane cope.

  • Trust falls

    Just a quick drabble. Spoilers for 7x04. I do not own the Mentalist.

  • Red and green and in between

    I've decided to throw myself into drabbles as an experiment, kind of to see if I'm any good at them. The way it's looking now they'll be mostly centered on Jane and what he thinks. By the way, I do not own the Mentalist.

  • Women I have known

    Basically, why Jane took so long to tell Lisbon how he felt. (Hat trick part 3)

  • I don't remember you

    What if Lisbon had meant it when she told Jane "It's too late"? What if she had stayed on the plane? What would Jane have done then? (Disclaimer: I do not own the Mentalist.)

  • Out of the mouth of babes

    5 questions Jane doesn't want to answer.

  • The changeling

    The changeling's point of view. (Because tertiary characters are so often overlooked.)

  • Best of my love

    Jane's done some bad things, often to Lisbon. But he usually manages to pull it out of the fire at the last minute... (Title from the Eagles song.)

  • Because of you

    In which I explore how Red John has affected Jane's life. (Not as depressing as it sounds.)

  • The dating game

    Jane and Lisbon find themselves in the back of an armoured van that's just been stolen. Can they work together to get out of this predicament alive? (CNC)

  • Mr Jane and the big game

    Jane and Lisbon go undercover as basketball coaches to solve a murder disguised as an accident with a hair dryer. (CNC - see profile)

  • Security camera

    A different viewpoint in the TSA holding cell.

  • Nice guys finish last

    "Okay," he said. "So, let's pretend to be in a relationship. Get him jealous, force him to say something." Lisbon was blown away by the simple brilliance of his plan. In these first heady moments she could even believe that the two of them would be able to pull it off. They were going to trick a trickster; they were going to pull a con on Patrick Jane. (warning: this is in canon)